Shipping Policy
At Missethnik, we understand how important it is for you to receive your orders accurately and on time. We strive to ensure that your orders are delivered to you in good condition and within the shortest possible time frame. Our express shipping policy ensures that most orders are shipped within 7- 10 days of placing the order, except on weekends and public holidays.
We charge shipping costs per product, and these costs are calculated and reflected on your checkout page. For domestic orders within India, the shipping cost is Rupees 150 per product. For international orders, the shipping cost is Rupees 1050 (15 U.S.D) per product, which may exceed depending on the courier service availability.
The delivery time for domestic orders is expected to be within 6-7 days in major metro cities in India and can take up to 8-10 days for other locations in India. International orders may take up to 15 working days, depending on the postal code and mode of shipping. Please allow 3-5 working days for stitching. We use reputed courier companies like FedEx, DHL, Arihant, etc., for our shipments.
Please note that the delivery timeframes are indicative and approximate only. There may be delays in delivery due to factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions, strikes, and unexpected travel delays from our courier partners and transporters. We will keep you informed of the status of your order, including any delays.
If you need to cancel your order, please do so within 24 hours of placing the order. Unfortunately, we cannot cancel orders once they have been processed.
It is essential to inform us of any changes in your address within 24 hours of placing the order. If you want to ship multiple products to different addresses, please place separate orders for each delivery address. Please ensure that your shipping address is correct, as some courier companies may charge a penalty for incorrect shipping addresses.
In the event that a shipment is lost in transit, we will wait for 15 days before reprocessing the same order. If a replacement is not available, we may ask you to choose an alternate product or take a refund.
We understand that delivery services may be affected by natural calamities or national emergencies and may be delayed. If you have any questions about our shipping policies, please feel free to email us at